Patrea O’Donoghue Brisbane Psychologist
With over 30 years experience across a broad range of mental health issues and a great variety of clients Patrea has become a highly respected Brisbane Psychologist producing positive results in her clients. Are you looking to commit to making changes in your life or to cope better when change unexpectedly comes your way? Maybe you’d like to make changes in these areas: Develop healthy approaches to managing the multiple stressors of modern life Be happy … Continue Reading

Sports Psychology
Do any of the following resonate with you? Are you curious to find out just how good you could be? You know you can perform better but just don’t seem to know how to get to the next level? Do you want to get more out of your performance? Do you seem to have hit a plateau or a form slump? Do you keep re-living in your mind key losses or mistakes? You hear that it’s ‘mind over matter’ but just don’t know how to put that into practice? Yet to find your ‘peak’ for … Continue Reading

The effects of being mindful or mindless can be aptly summed up by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s expression, “Wherever you go, there you are”. Kabat-Zinn is a Western-trained doctor who is credited with bringing mindfulness meditation to the West by integrating the Eastern traditions with the backings of Western science. Do you relate to the following: Find yourself repeating the same bad habits, even when you say you want to break those habits Crave peace yet the chatterbox inside your head keeps … Continue Reading

Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
Perhaps one of Charles Darwin’s most memorable quotes is; “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Executive coaching is a great way to ensure that you and your team are equipped to respond to change. In today’s economic climate, you and your team need to be performing well day in day out. Performance demands created by … Continue Reading